Hempy's Hurd
Hempy's Heart Industrial Hemp Hurd has many uses. Most commonly used in building materials, animal bedding and mulch, it contains minimal amounts of dust and is consistently sized at 1/2 to 3/4 inch.
Hemp hurd is anti-microbial and ultra absorbent. It lasts up to 3 times longer than pine shavings in comparable environments.
Cover your soil in the garden, flower pots and house plants with hemp Hurd mulch. It maintains moisture and keeps the soil cool. It’s also pretty, all natural and free from any chemical treatments. Another big benefit, hemp Hurd breaks down over a couple years and adds carbon to your soil!
Hempy's Heart Hemp Hurd is grown and processed from America's heartland in Kansas!
Available sizes include 25 pound and 5 pound bags. Send an email to info@midwesthemptech.com for bulk or wholesale pricing inquiries.
Send an email to info@midwesthemptech.com for return requests.
Standard shipping rates apply.